Workouts & Restructurings



Whether you need to access the public markets to raise needed capital or issue private placement bonds in the private capital markets, having a strong healthy balance sheet is essential. Even the best laid plans go awry at times and macroeconomic pressures, industry shocks, and globalization forces can put even well managed companies that have excellent business models and growth prospects on rocky and uncertain terrain.  In the midst of these challenging circumstances, you may find that you are taking a little longer to pay your suppliers and burning through operating cash flow faster while depleting critical cash reserves. Perhaps you are faced with the reality of making a late interest payment on your debt or missing it altogether; or perhaps this has already happened and you’re ready to hit the reset button and make new terms with your lenders. A workout, restructuring, or reorganization can give you a fresh start. Whether your company is in Latin America and your lender is in the US or Canada or whether both are in the same region, our restructuring advisors can help walk you through and help you select the options that are most favorable to your company.

When you retain Santelises Fund Management to help you restructure your debt or your business, you’ll benefit by:

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To arrange a free confidential telephone consultation or to learn more about our workout and restructuring services: