The Private Firm Great Cash Liquidity Challenge

How can the management teams of privately-held firms make sure their companies have enough cash reserves and at the same time make positive ROI returns on their investment projects to grow their companies? In this e-book, fund manager Lew Santelises offers a warning to managers by pointing out often overlooked pitfalls in this critical area of liquidity risk management. Applying the guiding principles of financial institutions liquidity risk management to non-financial corporations, Lew shows management teams ready-to-use liquidity risk best practices to avoid these pitfalls and conserve and grow much needed cash reserves and still hit their investment returns targets.

Download The Private Firm Great Cash Liquidity Challenge

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Hacking into the Matrix

Hacking into the Matrix is a collection of investment min-cases that reveals how successful hedge fund investors like Warren Buffett and Carl Icahn “hacked into the global financial matrix” to capture investment returns many times over the original amounts invested. From this brief and engaging e-book, you’ll learn how to redeploy assets, use tax strategies to create cash flow, and other financial engineering strategies that can be used in buyouts to capture extraordinary investment returns.

Download Hacking into the Matrix

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