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Santelises Fund Management is an investment management firm specializing in global macro investing and in the leveraged buyouts of small and mid-sized companies in the United States, Spain, and Latin America.


Ours is a value investing philosophy as we are always looking to buy the undervalued securities of excellent companies at bargain prices. Our objective is to consistently outperform the market and provide our investors with a minimum average return of 15% without suffering any permanent loss of capital. Our investment funds can purchase securities in any geographic market and in both public capital markets and private capital markets. As investment managers we are content to limit our investment position in a given company to just a minority interest but will at times purchase a controlling interest in some companies as the opportunities arise. Though we are primarily value investors, we will consider exploiting profit opportunities using various trading strategies and methods including, risk arbitrage, the purchase of distressed securities, the use of margin and other leveraging tools, and derivatives where and when appropriate. We may also on occasion lend capital at financially strategic interest rates, for profit or to advance a long-term strategic objective.

To learn more about our investment philosophy or to get a free copy of our audited performance results sent to you