Privatizations Consulting


The 21st century has brought with it many geopolitical changes. Many changes have already made the world a better place. The world has gone from a tinderbox of impending conflict in the 20th century to a global marketplace of free trade and economic competition. However, the speed with which these changes have taken place has left many emerging market economies under-prepared to compete under the new paradigm shift.

At SFM, our view is that we want to enhance your emerging thought leadership with respect to free markets, not stifle it. We do not assume that our own ideas about what free markets capitalism should look like is the way to go. The United States and China are on opposite sides of the political ideological divide yet both continue to enjoy the fruits of capitalism within their respective countries. We can however, provide you with the right guidance, experience, and best practices for when you’re ready to make the transition away from State-Owned Enterprises and towards privatizations that could provide a huge lift to your local economy.

How what we do benefits you

If you have some privatization ideas that you feel will boost your local economy, consider just some of the ways that we can add value to your thinking. SFM can help you:

  • Create a feasibility study in order to determine if privatization is your best option moving forward

  • Restructure your SOE to help transition it make the transition from its governmental accounting and operating systems into private for-profit accounting and operating systems.

  • Think through the best way to transfer the assets whether using vouchers, asset sales, or a share issue privatization

  • Create pro forma financial models to give you a complete perspective on the impact of each approach on your sovereign balance sheet so that you can select the path which best fits your interests

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To arrange a free confidential telephone consultation or to learn more about our privatizations consulting services